Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes can all harm pets with their parasites. Mosquitoes also spread diseases like heartworm, while flea bites can cause dermatitis and anemia.
Safe pest control provides pet owners peace of mind while eliminating unwanted critters. When selecting a company for your home, ask about their pest control methods and follow any post-treatment instructions they may have. Click here at https://killianpestcontrol.com/ to learn more.

Look For Natural And Non Toxic Ingredients
Pest control products can contain toxic chemicals that can be dangerous to pets. These ingredients can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, tremors, seizures, and even death. Therefore, it’s important to look for natural and nontoxic pest control products whenever possible.
A natural, non-toxic pest control product that can be used in your yard is Diatomaceous Earth (DE). This powdery white substance is made from fossilized plankton and wards off cockroaches, ants, fleas, fungus gnats, and mites. It can also be sprinkled directly into your garden or in your pet’s food. However, if you use DE, make sure to choose “food grade” DE as the other kind may irritate your pet’s lungs.
Another option that a professional pest control company can offer you is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). These devices interfere with insects’ normal growth processes by blocking their hormones. As a result, they prevent them from reaching their full adult size and maturing into adults that could breed. This keeps them from being able to spread, thus stopping the cycle.
When choosing a pest control company, ask them about their commitment to pet safety and what measures they take to protect your pets during treatment. You should also inquire about what kinds of products they use and how they are applied, as these factors can affect the level of risk for your pets.
Finally, be sure to remove your pets from the areas that will be treated, as well as their toys, food bowls, litter boxes, and bedding. If they are unable to be removed from the area, place them in a kennel or carrier and move items they would normally be near to avoid exposing them to the sprays.
Secondary poisoning can occur when your pets hunt and eat the pests they find in treated areas. This is particularly problematic for reptiles and amphibians, as they can ingest pesticides when eating the dead bodies of their prey. For this reason, it is important to discourage such behavior and encourage them to drink fresh water and clean their dishes regularly.
Keep Your Pets In A Kennel Or Carrier
For many people, a home is not complete without the addition of a furry four-legged family member. And while pets bring unmatched joy and love to their owners, they can also be vulnerable to the same pests that plague our homes. As a result, many pet owners choose to use safe pest control methods to protect their beloved companions from harm and discomfort.
Although it may be tempting to spray pesticides around your home to prevent pests from bothering your pet, it is usually best to keep them in a kennel or carrier during this time. This is the safest option for your pet, as it will ensure that they are not exposed to chemicals or fumes while being trapped in a small area. Ideally, it is best to keep your pet away from any treated areas until the application has fully dried, which typically takes about 1-2 days.
Most insecticides contain ingredients that can be harmful or even fatal to pets if ingested. This includes pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates, and neonicotinoids, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, difficulty breathing, and seizures in pets who ingest them. Rodenticides can also be toxic to pets, containing anticoagulant or neurotoxic compounds that can lead to internal bleeding or neurological symptoms in pets who ingest them. Snail and slug baits can also be dangerous to pets, containing metaldehyde which can cause tremors, seizures, drooling, difficulty breathing, and even death in pets who ingest them.
It’s important to be aware of these risks and to find a pest control professional who prioritizes pet safety. When choosing a pest control company, ask about the products they use and their application techniques. Look for companies that offer pet-friendly guarantees or warranties, and read reviews to make sure they are a good fit for your family.
Additionally, keep in mind that while pest control is an effective way to combat common household pests, it is not a substitute for proper flea prevention, tick and heartworm prevention, or regular visits to the vet for vaccinations. By following these tips, you can ensure that your pet is protected from the dangers of pesticides and has a happy, healthy life with their family.
Check The Labels
The most responsible way to control pests is through the use of natural remedies and pesticide products with pet-safe certifications. However, even such products must be used responsibly to ensure a healthy home environment for pets and children.
Pesticide labels can provide valuable information on the proper use and safe handling of a product. Look for the product name, chemical name, percent of content, and safety instructions. A hazard rating, which is a combination of toxicity and exposure, is also required for every product. The label should also contain warnings, such as “Keep out of reach of children,” and signal words that identify the danger posed to people and pets.
Whenever possible, choose products that do not contain pyrethrins or organophosphates. These chemicals can be particularly toxic to cats and dogs, and they are especially hazardous if ingested or inhaled. The EPA has developed a special “GreenSelect” database to help consumers find safer alternatives to traditional insecticides.
The best choice for a pesticide to protect your pets is a product that contains a bacteria called Bacillus thuringiensis. This product is effective against both fleas and ticks, and it is safe for animals. However, it is important to follow the application directions carefully for this type of pesticide.
If you do have to use a conventional pesticide, choose one with low mammalian toxicity and exposure levels. In other words, your pet would have to ingest or inhale a large amount of the pesticide for it to cause illness or death.
Another alternative to conventional pesticides is to employ a lawn care service that uses eco-friendly methods. This way, your pets can return to the treated yard and play safely in the grass without fear of coming into contact with harmful chemicals.
If you suspect that your pet may have come into contact with a pesticide or eaten a poisonous bug, take them to the veterinarian right away. Staying calm and describing the symptoms to the vet can help you determine what treatment is appropriate. You should also collect the pesticide container and its label, as this will provide the vet with key information about the source of the problem.
Keep Children And Pets Away
Parents are incredibly busy and, in the rush to keep their children safe and well cared for, they often don’t take the time to choose the best pest control products. As a result, they may grab whatever product is available to deal with the problem at hand and not consider the impact on their pets or children. It is not uncommon for such haphazard decisions to have serious consequences, especially when it comes to the use of chemical products to tackle unwanted pests in and around the home.
Unfortunately, many of the common pest control chemicals contain ingredients that are extremely harmful to children and pets. These include carbamate insecticides that can cause over-stimulation of the nervous system; d-Limonene, which can damage the liver or even kill it; and Methoxychlor and pyrethrins, which can induce tremors, seizures, and convulsions in dogs. Even more mild, yet still problematic, are the chemicals and pesticides in cockroach baits that can leave a toxic residue on surfaces, which can then be licked or chewed by children or pets.
The safest option for most people, regardless of whether they have kids or pets, is to use a pest control strategy called Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This approach prioritizes less-toxic methods first and then uses the least-invasive pesticides in a targeted manner. Moreover, it takes into account the impact that these controls could have on both the environment and the local wildlife population.
Ensure that your pet’s food and water bowls are removed from the area to be treated. Also, cover or remove bird and fish tanks or reptile cages. If you are not sure how to prepare for your treatment, discuss your concerns with your technician before the appointment, and follow their recommendations.
As you are aware, small kids and curious pets are prone to putting just about anything in their mouths, including the chemicals used in pest control treatments. Likewise, cats and dogs use their noses to learn about their surroundings, increasing the likelihood that they will inhale a greater quantity of pesticide residue. An expert pest control technician who is familiar with eco-friendly practices and treatments will be able to recommend a solution that works for you and your furry friends.